
Thursday, October 25, 2007


The Music Ministry of Appalachian Bible College

A CD featuring three of ABC's musical groups: the Chorale; the Gospel Heralds; and ABC's one-of-a-kind English handbell choir, the Jubilate. This seventeen title CD includes traditional favorites as well as new songs that proclaim God's glorious Gospel.

To sample some of the songs and to purchase the CD follow this link: Proclaim
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Do We Believe Hagee Or Do We Believe God?

In the video clip below you will hear for yourself John Hagee say his book In Defense Of Israel “will shake Christian theology.” And further that, “it Scripturally proves...that Jesus did not come to earth to be the Messiah... It will prove...Jesus refused by word and deed to claim to be the Messiah...”

However, God the Holy Spirit informs us in John’s eyewitness deposition we call the Gospel of John – The woman said, “I know that Messiah (called Christ) is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus declared, “I Who speak to you am He” (John 4:25-26).

So whose testimony are you going to believe? Hagee or God. The Truth is that Dr. John

MacArthur is correct when he says, “An individual Jew today is saved like anybody else is, by faith in Christ. And, apart from that, there is no salvation.” (Online source)

Sola Dei Gloria also weighs in on this blatant heresy of Hagee here.

Here is the link to the video: Hagee
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Padre Pio 'faked his stigmata with acid'

Padre Pio exhibited stigmata throughout his life, starting in 1911

Padre Pio, Italy's most-loved saint, faked his stigmata by pouring carbolic acid on his hands, according to a new book.

For those who may not know what a stigmata is, I offer the following:

Stigmata are bodily marks, sores, or sensations of pain in locations corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus. The term originates from the line at the end of Saint Paul's Letter to the Galatians where he says, "I bear on my body the marks of Jesus," with "marks" in the Latin Vulgate rendered as "stigmata." An individual bearing stigmata is referred to as a stigmatic.

The causes of stigmata are the subject of considerable debate. Some contend that they are miraculous, while others argue they are hoaxes or can be explained medically.
Stigmata are primarily associated with the Roman Catholic faith. Many reported stigmatics are members of Catholic religious orders. The majority of reported stigmatics are female.[1

According to documents:

The testimony of a pharmacist who said that the young Padre Pio bought four grams of carbolic acid in 1919. "I was an admirer of Padre Pio and I met him for the first time on 31 July 1919," wrote Maria De Vito. She claimed to have spent a month with the priest in the southern town of San Giovanni Rotondo, seeing him often.

"Padre Pio called me to him in complete secrecy and telling me not to tell his fellow brothers, he gave me personally an empty bottle, and asked if I would act as a chauffeur to transport it back from Foggia to San Giovanni Rotondo with four grams of pure carbolic acid.

"He explained that the acid was for disinfecting syringes for injections. He also asked for other things, such as Valda pastilles."

The testimony was originally presented to the Vatican by the Archbishop of Manfredonia, Pasquale Gagliardi, as proof that Padre Pio caused his own stigmata with acid.

To read the enite report follow this link:Pio

Dr James White has posted the following response on his blog which can be found at this link: AOMIN

James R. White

I was just directed to this article (ht: Plaidman!) alleging that Francesco Forgione, aka, "Padre Pio," a "saint" so popular in Italy that a recent survey said more people there pray to him than to Jesus or Mary (!), faked his "stigmata" using carbolic acid. While that is all very interesting, what I found most intriguing was the reaction of the legions of people dedicated to "Padre Pio."

Now remember, they aren't worshipping the man, see, they are only praying to him and asking for his intercession and things like that. And Rome has assured us, infallibly even, that prayer is not worship and dulia is not worship and we don't need to worry about all this idolatry stuff because, as Patrick Madrid mentioned in our debate, folks back in the past have had problems with idolatry, but we don't have the same problems today, so that is why we do not have to worry about those texts in the Bible that prohibit such things. But anyway, note the response to even daring to suggest that Padre Pio might just have been faking his alleged godliness:

The new allegations were greeted with an instant dismissal from his supporters. The Catholic Anti-Defamation League said Mr Luzzatto was a liar and was "spreading anti-Catholic libels".Pietro Siffi, the president of the League, said: "We would like to remind Mr Luzzatto that according to Catholic doctrine, canonisation carries with it papal infallibility. "We would like to suggest to Mr Luzzatto that he dedicates his energies to studying religion properly."

That can't be how anyone would respond to such an allegation, is it? Surely not! I mean, we have documented repeatedly how fair and even handed Roman Catholic apologists are in responding to criticism and refutation, so this is truly amazing, isn't it? Excuse me while I extract my tongue from my cheek.

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Jesus is NOT an Easy Button!

It should be hard to believe but the above shirt can actually be bought at, "Family Christian Stores.' Here is the link: Shirt

The Stand to Reason blog posted the following article:

Lord, save us from McChristianity.

If you own this shirt, throw it away. If you know someone who owns this shirt, tear it from their body and then throw it away. They'll thank you later.

One tremendous corrective for this kind of contempoary silliness is the reading of old books. Old authors help to pull us out of our cultural context and examine how the current culture influences and shapes our message. As C.S. Lewis points out:

"Every age has its own outlook. It is specially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes. We all, therefore, need the books that will correct the characteristic mistakes of our own period. And that means the old books."

Jesus-As-Easy-Button theology is certainly a characteristic mistake of a consumeristic, invidualistic, instant gratification oriented culture. An older author like G.K. Chesterton provides a corrective: "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried."

So, what old authors have you read this year?
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Monday, October 22, 2007

Justification and Imputed Righteousness

A regular program I listen to on my I-Pod is the White Horse Inn. If you have never listened to the program I would suggest you make it a scheduled event each week!

On this edition of the White Horse Inn the hosts discuss the heart of the gospel message, namely, that we are declared righteous not only on the basis of Christ's death, but also because of his perfect obedience in our stead. They also discuss how this doctrine is being either ignored or denied in our time.

To hear the program follow this link:


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The Back to God Hour did a great program called, "Getting the Right Diagnosis." It is well worth your time to listen.

The mesage is based on Romans 3: 10-18

You can hear the program at this link:

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

How To Apply a Sermon

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