Koran under critical scrutiny
The following was found at the World Blog:
Koran under critical scrutiny
Textual criticism — the discipline of scouring ancient manuscripts for error — may be coming to the Koran, thanks to the discovery of some 450 rolls of film in Germany that capture the evolution of Islam’s ancient holy book over time. (The scholar in charge of them, now dead, apparently lied and said they were destroyed during a bombing raid in World War II.) The Wall Street Journal reports here that the discovery team’s research director says it could lead to the first “critical edition” of the Koran, putting it under harsh lights long reserved for the Bible.
To read the rest of the article follow this link: Koran
Koran under critical scrutiny
Textual criticism — the discipline of scouring ancient manuscripts for error — may be coming to the Koran, thanks to the discovery of some 450 rolls of film in Germany that capture the evolution of Islam’s ancient holy book over time. (The scholar in charge of them, now dead, apparently lied and said they were destroyed during a bombing raid in World War II.) The Wall Street Journal reports here that the discovery team’s research director says it could lead to the first “critical edition” of the Koran, putting it under harsh lights long reserved for the Bible.
To read the rest of the article follow this link: Koran

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