The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ Attacked Again
First, the video really was an attack or denial of the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ...with the denial of the Trinity as the next logical step. The video was full of supposed "scholars" to include the following:
- Several Rabbis...
- A Unitarian apologist...
- A liberal professor...
- A muslim director of an Islamic center
- A couple very young and obviously not very well read Christians...
- Several anti-trinitarian teachers...etc, etc.
What's missing here? The only Christian pastor/theologian that was consulted was a Christian pastor who didn't even know the definition of the Trinity. He gave the usual "God manifesting Himself in 3 ways" modalistic definition.
What does this show me? It shows me that if I want to make my point I'm not going to ask those who are strong in defense of the Trinity. Does it make you wonder why they didn't interview the likes of John Piper, John MacArthur or James White? Of course not...and that makes for a not so balanced presentation. This video is extremely skewed and incomplete.
I will be addressing the real issue in the following blog articles...the deity of Christ. The argumentation of the 2 hour video made the following main attacks upon the deity of Christ:
- The Hebrew OT proclaimed one God...and therefore since Jesus prays, obeys God then Jesus can't be God...
- Since Jesus said He didn't know the time of the 2nd coming and since He said He could do nothing without the Father then He can't be God.
- God is not a man...but Jesus was...
- God cannot die...but Jesus did...
- God cannot be tempted...but Jesus was
They try to exegete some passages such as 1 Tim 2:5, John 1:1, Psa 110:1, 1 Tim 3:16, John 20:27-28, Ps 45:6 and Isa 9:6 to prove that Jesus isn't God. The creators of the video said that Jesus never claimed deity...and that when others thought that's what He was saying that He made it clear that He wasn't saying that at all.
Is this what Scripture teaches? Does the video present a fair presentation of what Scripture teaches? No. Let me put forth a couple verses that everyone needs to consider...
Greek is very precise. There is a rule in Greek called the Granville Sharp rule. It basically goes like this...if you have two nouns separated by the Greek word for "and" (kai)...and they have the definite article before it (for example- "the officer and pilot")...then it means that both are referring to the same person. For more info you can go to Alpha & Omega Ministries and read about it (
Open to 2 Peter 1:2 which says, "through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." The theological implications of this verse are very talks about the imputed (credited to our account) righteousness of the God-man! God and our Saviour Jesus Christ are the same! Jesus is God!
We find the same construction in Titus 2:13 "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;" In this verse the "great God" and "Saviour Jesus Christ" are one and the same! Jesus is God!
Enough for this post...if I make them too long folks won't want to read them. More in the next post! Jesus is God...make no mistake about it. If you disagree...please exegete these two passages and tell me what they mean...I'd like to know.

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