Christians and Halloween

Halloween. It's a time of year when the air gets crisper, the day gets shorter, and for many young Americans the excitement grows in anticipation of the darkest, spookiest holiday of the year. Retailers rejoice too as they warm up their cash registers to receive an average of $41.77 per household in decorations, costumes, candy, and greeting cards. Halloween will bring in approximately 3.3 billion dollars this year.
It's a good bet retailers won't entertain high expectations of getting $41.77 per household from the Christian market. Many Christians refuse to participate in Halloween. Some are wary of its pagan origins; others of its dark, ghoulish imagery; still others are concerned for the safety of their children. But other Christians choose to partake of the festivities, whether participating in school activities, neighborhood trick-or-treating, or a Halloween alternative at their church.
The question is, How should Christians respond to Halloween? Is it irresponsible for parents to let their children trick-or-treat? What about Christians who refuse any kind of celebration during the season--are they overreacting?
Read entire article.
Here is a sermon about Fall Festivals.

ANYONE who does not celebrate Halloween due to “Pagen” startings have no right celebrating
Easter Bunnies
Halloween, Easter bunny & rainbows, Christmas elf, raindeer ect.. & Easter bunny sales
Candy, holiday clothing, enjoying scary monster movies, shopping during holiday sales anything to do with Halloween & Christams is still celebrating the holiday. To say any different makes you hipercritical.
If you want to be “a good Christian” don’t be a hipercritical ass and celebrate and enjoy the benefits of the holiday in sneaky ways
sounds like someone just got their sacred cow slaughtered
Ah, perilous times.
Maybe candy + costumes = fun.
Especially free candy.
Ghosts and Goblins were never my trick or treating fear. I feared biting into a needle hidden in my candy thanks to some news reports.
Don't we as adults wear costumes all the time? Sometimes we wear a mask to hide from others the way we really think or feel. And sometimes we pretend to be someone we're not. Interesting.
Hypocritical? I am that at times, plus other sins, and that's why I go to church. I still need a savior.
I think it is equally hypocritical for a person to admit they should go to church but they never go. They admit they're wrong but go on living as if they're ok.
On Easter...good in the world did we get from celebrating the resurrection of the Son of God to bunnies, made out of chocolate, laying eggs!?!?
I like chocolate.
I don't believe in egg laying bunnies. I had one once. Eggs never came out of it.
Neither did chocolate.
Back to Halloween. I think for most Americans it's a pretty harmless time for kids to dress up for fun and get free candy. No biggy. I guess it'd be like eating demonized meat (meat offered to idols). It's no biggy. But if you know it offends someone else, don't do it.
Christians are in the world not of the world. So if a kid trick or treats at my door, my porch light will be on, and I'll give them free candy to their delight, but I won't go practicing witchcraft! (I'd watch Harry Potter, but it's too much of a kids movie for me.)
We don't waste money on decorating our yard with Halloween stuff (yes for Christmas though).
Ah, we do put a pumpkin on our front porch, but we don't carve a Jack O' Lantern. I totally love and celebrate Fall, Autumn, Harvest Time.
Bring on the colored leaves & crisp air.
Wow...I've been looking for "hipercritical" in the dictionary and...I just can't find it...also "Pagen"...can anyone help me out? What dictionary should I use?
Here is a link.
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