Do Your Children Know the One True God?

Men...if you don't teach your children someone else would be very happy to! If you don't then the Government, the public school system...and yes, even the less than orthodox church you may be going to will (that's a whole other story! If you're in that position find a good church!).
Catechisms are NOT a Catholic concept or invention. Teaching your children is a sytematic manner is both good and very profitable. They need to know what they believe and they need to know why they believe it. Do they know Who God is? What He is like? What His attributes are? If is a great and simple way to do a study once, twice, three times a week- whatever you can regularly do. What's even nicer is that it is completely scriptural!
Paul Washer is a great preacher and he wrote an excellent study guide called "The One True God" that I've been doing with my family. Here is the link and a short description of the contents. You can purchase it or download it for free on his!
Download/Buy The One True God
Here is a list of the table of contents:
God is One
God is Spirit
God is Great and Perfect
God is Eternal, Self-Existent and Immutable
God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient
God is Holy
God is Righteous
God is True and Truthful
God is Faithful
God is Love
God is Creator and Sustainer
God is Lord Over All
God is Lawgiver and Judge
The Names of God

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