
Sunday, May 27, 2007


I hope everyone has had a great Lord's Day and was able to be in a church where the word of God was preached in truth.

Last night I was listening to a sermon about Hannah and Samuel. At the end of the sermon, the following statement was made with about 3 minutes left of the sermon: This is the quote as best as I could copy it down.
"Now I want you to understand something, because of Hannah's sacrifice, that choice went on to not only impact a nation but the world because, see I want you to understand something, Samuel and Christ were of the same lineage, do you see? No Hannah... no Samuel... no Christ!"

That is a very clear claim and we should be able to determine if it is true:

Let's begin with looking at what some Bible dictionaries tell us about Samuel:

To read the Easton's Bible Dictionary entry on Samuel, follow this link:


To read the International Bible Encyclopedia entry on Samuel, follow this link:


I was not able to find anything in both sources that indicated the claim was true.

Jesus was to come from the line of David. In fact, the Gospel of Matthew begins with the genealogy of Christ showing that he was from the line of David. In 1 Samuel 16, we have the account of Samuel being sent to David to anoint him as king, and there is no indication that somehow Samuel was related to David.

So how does a Pastor who is entrusted by God to rightly divide the word of truth end up making such a claim?
I honestly have no idea. I can understand in the midst of preaching making a mistake and having a slip of the tongue, but this pastor said it with confidence.

To listen to the sermon for yourself, follow this link and look for the sermon "Heroes week 2." The web page does not work that well, and you may have to use your tab key to navigate the page.

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> posted by Trevor Hammack at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way it sounds, if it had not been for Samuel and Hannah we would not have Christ.

I guess God could not preserve the line without them? What a joke!

This is just another case of man trying to claim his part in salvation, which according to the bible man has no part of, Praise God!
It's all God because man would make a mess of it just as this pastor clearly did with this statement.

June 3, 2007 at 10:40 PM  
Blogger Jim Leavenworth said...

When I heard this and emailed the pastor who made the comments he kept going on and on about various comments/topics...but never answered my question "How do you see from Scripture that Hannah/Samuel are in the line of Christ?" After asking about 3 times and never getting a Scriptural answer I gave up...what's sad is that many don't even question this type of extremely weak preaching that's so obviously not true.

November 12, 2007 at 10:57 AM  

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