Devotional Study On Numbers 6:22-27
With the new year well under way our pastor has challenged us to make 2008 a year of spiritual growth. Here is one of my devotionals, I hope it is a blessing.
Numbers book background copied from MacArthur Bible Handbook.
The ancient Greek title given was arithmoi from which we get the word arithmetic. Latin translators later gave the book the title numeri which English has borrowed its word numbers.Name is based on chapters 1-4 and chapter 26 where the people were counted or numbered. This book recounts the history of Israel during almost thirty-nine years of wandering in the wilderness.
Author & Date
It is the fourth book of the Law or Pentateuch.
It was written by Moses during the final year of his life.
Numbers must be dated 1405b.c. since it is foundational to the book of Deuteronomy which is dated in the eleventh month of the fortieth year after the exodus.
Background & Setting
Most events are set in the wilderness.
The word "wilderness" is used forty-eight times in Numbers.
The land was for the most part useless except for the tending of the flock.
Israel camped in the wilderness in Sinai. It was at Sinai the Lord entered into the Mosaic covenant with them.
Key Words
Sacrifice-from the verb meaning to slaughter for an offering.
Anointed-a verb meaning to wet or dab a person with olive oil.
Vow-is a voluntary commitment to do something that pleases God or to abstain from certain practices to demonstrate devotion to God.
Elders-a word that means "aged" or "old". In the O.T. the word refers to a feeble person or a mature person.
Key People
Moses- A great prophet and leader who acted as Gods mouth piece to explain His law.
Aaron- First high priest of Israel and brother of Moses.
Miriam- Sister of Moses & Aaron
Caleb- One of the men sent to scout Canaan also one of only two people to see the exodus and the promised land.
Joshua- Moses' successor as leader of Israel and one of only two people to see the exodus and the promised land.
Eleazar- Son of Aaron who succeeded him as high priest of Israel.
Korah- Levite who assisted in the tabernacle, killed because of rebellion against the Lord.
Balaam- Prophet & sorcerer who half heartedly obeyed God, attempted to lead Israel into idol worship.
I did read all MacArthur had on Numbers but for times sake did not write it all down. I found two things that really stuck out in the background study.
1. The wilderness was useless except for tending the flock.
When we see this world and the things in it as useless its then that we as the flock can be fed and tended. There is God and His flock and nothing else.
2. Only two people saw the exodus and the promise land ( Caleb & Joshua ).
It was estimated there were around 2.5 million people in the wilderness and only two entered into the promise land. Many are called out but few are chosen!
Now to the text.
Numbers 6:22-27
Verses 22-23 God speaks to Moses and tells him to deliver a message to Aaron the high priest and his sons. The high priest would bless the children of Israel by delivering this message. Which shows that blessing comes from Gods word and the high priest. Our High Priest being Jesus Christ.
Verse 24 The Lord is going to bless and keep. ? Not sure about the bless part here, the best I can tell He is going to benefit them by keeping them. Keep gives the idea of placing a hedge of thorns around to protect, also to guard, preserve, save, watch, and observe.
Verse 25 The Lord is going to look upon them with grace & mercy. God is showing favor.
Verse 26 The word countenance and face in the previous verse are the same word
( strongs #6440). So God is repeating Himself saying I'm looking on you, showing favor and this favor comes with grace and peace. God is facing them showing a peace with God.
Verse 27 The priest will put Gods name upon His children. This is Gods name being put (strongs #7760) or imputed to those he has found favor in by the high priest.
1.The blessing of Gods children comes from and through the high priest ours is Jesus Christ in whom we receive all spiritual blessings.The blessings found in the text are grace, peace, and the giving of his name. Three ways to get a name. (a). Your born with it. (we are born again) (b). Your adopted (we have been adopted into the family of God) (c). Your married (we are betrothed to Christ) This is so awesome I can hardly contain myself. This should make us love and serve Him more not to mention protecting the most wonderful and perfect name on earth!!
2.The text says God is looking on us with favor. He is watching. We should take the time weed out that sin in our lives. This is more than Him knowing all and seeing all, He is focused on His children. With that being said go and sin no more.
Numbers book background copied from MacArthur Bible Handbook.
The ancient Greek title given was arithmoi from which we get the word arithmetic. Latin translators later gave the book the title numeri which English has borrowed its word numbers.Name is based on chapters 1-4 and chapter 26 where the people were counted or numbered. This book recounts the history of Israel during almost thirty-nine years of wandering in the wilderness.
Author & Date
It is the fourth book of the Law or Pentateuch.
It was written by Moses during the final year of his life.
Numbers must be dated 1405b.c. since it is foundational to the book of Deuteronomy which is dated in the eleventh month of the fortieth year after the exodus.
Background & Setting
Most events are set in the wilderness.
The word "wilderness" is used forty-eight times in Numbers.
The land was for the most part useless except for the tending of the flock.
Israel camped in the wilderness in Sinai. It was at Sinai the Lord entered into the Mosaic covenant with them.
Key Words
Sacrifice-from the verb meaning to slaughter for an offering.
Anointed-a verb meaning to wet or dab a person with olive oil.
Vow-is a voluntary commitment to do something that pleases God or to abstain from certain practices to demonstrate devotion to God.
Elders-a word that means "aged" or "old". In the O.T. the word refers to a feeble person or a mature person.
Key People
Moses- A great prophet and leader who acted as Gods mouth piece to explain His law.
Aaron- First high priest of Israel and brother of Moses.
Miriam- Sister of Moses & Aaron
Caleb- One of the men sent to scout Canaan also one of only two people to see the exodus and the promised land.
Joshua- Moses' successor as leader of Israel and one of only two people to see the exodus and the promised land.
Eleazar- Son of Aaron who succeeded him as high priest of Israel.
Korah- Levite who assisted in the tabernacle, killed because of rebellion against the Lord.
Balaam- Prophet & sorcerer who half heartedly obeyed God, attempted to lead Israel into idol worship.
I did read all MacArthur had on Numbers but for times sake did not write it all down. I found two things that really stuck out in the background study.
1. The wilderness was useless except for tending the flock.
When we see this world and the things in it as useless its then that we as the flock can be fed and tended. There is God and His flock and nothing else.
2. Only two people saw the exodus and the promise land ( Caleb & Joshua ).
It was estimated there were around 2.5 million people in the wilderness and only two entered into the promise land. Many are called out but few are chosen!
Now to the text.
Numbers 6:22-27
Verses 22-23 God speaks to Moses and tells him to deliver a message to Aaron the high priest and his sons. The high priest would bless the children of Israel by delivering this message. Which shows that blessing comes from Gods word and the high priest. Our High Priest being Jesus Christ.
Verse 24 The Lord is going to bless and keep. ? Not sure about the bless part here, the best I can tell He is going to benefit them by keeping them. Keep gives the idea of placing a hedge of thorns around to protect, also to guard, preserve, save, watch, and observe.
Verse 25 The Lord is going to look upon them with grace & mercy. God is showing favor.
Verse 26 The word countenance and face in the previous verse are the same word
( strongs #6440). So God is repeating Himself saying I'm looking on you, showing favor and this favor comes with grace and peace. God is facing them showing a peace with God.
Verse 27 The priest will put Gods name upon His children. This is Gods name being put (strongs #7760) or imputed to those he has found favor in by the high priest.
1.The blessing of Gods children comes from and through the high priest ours is Jesus Christ in whom we receive all spiritual blessings.The blessings found in the text are grace, peace, and the giving of his name. Three ways to get a name. (a). Your born with it. (we are born again) (b). Your adopted (we have been adopted into the family of God) (c). Your married (we are betrothed to Christ) This is so awesome I can hardly contain myself. This should make us love and serve Him more not to mention protecting the most wonderful and perfect name on earth!!
2.The text says God is looking on us with favor. He is watching. We should take the time weed out that sin in our lives. This is more than Him knowing all and seeing all, He is focused on His children. With that being said go and sin no more.

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