Caterers for their lusts!
(Thomas Watson, "The Beatitudes " 1660)
"If I regard iniquity in my heart" Psalm 66:18
What is it to regard iniquity in the heart?
When we INDULGE in sin. When sin not only lives in us—but when we live in sin. Some will leave all their sins, but one. Jacob would let all his sons go, but Benjamin. The fowler holds the bird fast enough by one claw. Just so, Satan can hold a man by one sin.
Others HIDE their sins. Many deal with their sins as Moses' mother dealt with her son. She hid him in the basket, as if she had left him—but her eye was still upon him—and in the end, she became his nurse (Exodus 2:9). Just so, many seem to leave their sins—but they only hide them from the eye of others. Their heart still goes after them, and at last they nurse and give breast to their sins.
To regard iniquity is to DELIGHT in iniquity. Though a child of God sins—yet he does not take a delight in sin. "I do the very thing I hate" (Romans 7:15). But the wicked make a recreation of sin. They "delight in wickedness" (2 Thessalonians 2:12). Never did one feed with more delight on a meal he loves—than a wicked man does upon the forbidden fruit!
To regard iniquity is to make PROVISION for sin. "Make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof."
(Rom. 13:14). The wicked are caterers for their lusts.
This is to make provision for the flesh—when one studies to satisfy the flesh and provide fuel for lust. Thus Amnon made provision for the flesh (2 Samuel 13:5). He pretends to be sick, and his sister Tamar, must be his nurse. She must serve his food to him—by which means he defiled her virginity. It is sad when men's concern is not to be holy—but to satisfy lust!
(Thomas Watson, "The Beatitudes " 1660)
"If I regard iniquity in my heart" Psalm 66:18
What is it to regard iniquity in the heart?
When we INDULGE in sin. When sin not only lives in us—but when we live in sin. Some will leave all their sins, but one. Jacob would let all his sons go, but Benjamin. The fowler holds the bird fast enough by one claw. Just so, Satan can hold a man by one sin.
Others HIDE their sins. Many deal with their sins as Moses' mother dealt with her son. She hid him in the basket, as if she had left him—but her eye was still upon him—and in the end, she became his nurse (Exodus 2:9). Just so, many seem to leave their sins—but they only hide them from the eye of others. Their heart still goes after them, and at last they nurse and give breast to their sins.
To regard iniquity is to DELIGHT in iniquity. Though a child of God sins—yet he does not take a delight in sin. "I do the very thing I hate" (Romans 7:15). But the wicked make a recreation of sin. They "delight in wickedness" (2 Thessalonians 2:12). Never did one feed with more delight on a meal he loves—than a wicked man does upon the forbidden fruit!
To regard iniquity is to make PROVISION for sin. "Make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof."
(Rom. 13:14). The wicked are caterers for their lusts.
This is to make provision for the flesh—when one studies to satisfy the flesh and provide fuel for lust. Thus Amnon made provision for the flesh (2 Samuel 13:5). He pretends to be sick, and his sister Tamar, must be his nurse. She must serve his food to him—by which means he defiled her virginity. It is sad when men's concern is not to be holy—but to satisfy lust!

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