Tonight I have to work from 4:00pm until 7:am! To get ready for this pleasant experience, I stayed up most of the night so I could sleep some today. During the night, I was listening to sermons on my Ipod when I came across a sermon dealing with the KJV and the NKJV.
Most of my formal training for ministry has occurred at KJV only schools. I have attended KJV only churches in the past as well.
Over time I have moved away from such a strong KJV only position. So the sermon last night was very interesting, since it became apparent that the church and the pastor at one time were KJV only supporters but over time have changed their position.
The sermon was part of a very large series. What I want to do today is to point everyone to some of the specific sermons in the series and then provide a link to the entire series.
The sermon series is from Minnesota Valley Baptist Church. Here is a description of the church:
MVBC is a Baptist church preaching the sovereign grace of God in salvation, holding firmly to the doctrines of grace commonly known as Calvinism. The Lord has been very gracious to MVBC, having formerly embraced Arminianism, quick prayerism, antinomianism, and a gospel of lasciviousness that rejects the necessity of the Lordship of Christ in salvation. The Lord brought MVBC to understand the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints, the total depravity and inability of man, being dead in trespasses and sins, and the necessity of regeneration to see or enter the kingdom of God, understanding that regeneration must precede repentance and faith. God in His grace caused MVBC to see the unity of the work of the Godhead in His unconditional election before the foundation of the world, the irresistible grace and effectual call of the Godhead, and the limited atonement and particular redemption of God’s elect which actually accomplished the redemption of His people.
Here is a link to the churches web-site: MVBC
Here are some of the sermons in the series:
Historical Background of Onlyism Before the KJV Debate
Historical Background of Onlyism Fueling the KJV Debate
Translations And Their Underlying Texts
Erasmus' Textual Work
English & Greek Translations That Impacted The KJV
King James And His Translators
KJV Marginal Notes, Questionable Words, Constant Changes, Revision of the KJV,...
The Historical Rise Of King James Onlyism & The Historical Rise Of The Majority...
An Overview Of The New King James Version Translation #1
An Overview Of The New King James Version Translation #2
I would challenge everyone at Victory Baptist Church to take the time to listen carefully and take notes. Most of the men who are contributers to the Preaching Today blog also came from KJV only backgrounds. I would challenge them to listen as well and post comments and thoughts about the sermon series. I am going to contact the pastor who preached the sermon and let him know about the article. I hope he will be willing to interact with any questions anyone may have.
Here is the link to the entire series:

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