A few days ago I posted an article about a sermon series on KJV Onlyism. Here is the link to the original article :
Pastor Harold Chase who preached the series has graciously agreed to interact with our comments and questions about the series. I believe this will be beneficial to all the readers.
Jin Leavenworth who is one of the contriobutiors to the blog has been listening to the series and has written his first houghts. Here they are:
Wow! This is going to be the exact series that I've been needing. Ihave been truly looking for a good, studious work on the subject devoidof any preconceived notions, half truths, and especially venom and"striving."
Great discussion in the first lesson on the intro totextual criticism! Challenging to say the least. I can see a kindredjourney of spiritual growth that the Lord has me on and that you'vealready taken. I too am tired of "Fundamentalism's" attitude. Truthwith the wrong attitude is useless. I too still hold to the KJV andwould, at this point, label myself as "TR Only" and not KJV-only...thefirst lesson really sparked my interest and I'm looking forward to youshowing how you believe the KJV to NOT be solely based on the TR (forthe NT) as I've always been taught.
I think I'd also (on the side) like to see how you came to theconclusion that Baptists (or should I really say true NT churches) areprotestant and came through the dark ages from within the R. Catholicchurch. This isn't what I've always believed but I'm open to your inputon why you hold that position.
I know not all Anabaptists held to trueNT beliefs and that some were heretics...but wouldn't the churcheswithin the Catholic church also be held to the same criticism. Mybelief is that the Lord has always had a believing remnant of local NTchurches (with and w/o the name "Baptist") on them (Matt 28- Lo I amwith you always) and that they existed in hiding mainly through that dark period of the Dark Ages...there is truly not much history writtenon them, and much of what was written was predominately written by theopposition (R. Catholics).
It's hard to write on the run! Keep the faith, keep serving the Lord and thanks for the great series- Iam very much enjoying it, expecting to learn and I'm definitely willingto change and mature in my faith and service to our wonderful Lord. Allfor His glory!
Bro Jim Leavenworth
Victory Baptist Church
Pastor Harold Chase who preached the series has graciously agreed to interact with our comments and questions about the series. I believe this will be beneficial to all the readers.
Jin Leavenworth who is one of the contriobutiors to the blog has been listening to the series and has written his first houghts. Here they are:
Wow! This is going to be the exact series that I've been needing. Ihave been truly looking for a good, studious work on the subject devoidof any preconceived notions, half truths, and especially venom and"striving."
Great discussion in the first lesson on the intro totextual criticism! Challenging to say the least. I can see a kindredjourney of spiritual growth that the Lord has me on and that you'vealready taken. I too am tired of "Fundamentalism's" attitude. Truthwith the wrong attitude is useless. I too still hold to the KJV andwould, at this point, label myself as "TR Only" and not KJV-only...thefirst lesson really sparked my interest and I'm looking forward to youshowing how you believe the KJV to NOT be solely based on the TR (forthe NT) as I've always been taught.
I think I'd also (on the side) like to see how you came to theconclusion that Baptists (or should I really say true NT churches) areprotestant and came through the dark ages from within the R. Catholicchurch. This isn't what I've always believed but I'm open to your inputon why you hold that position.
I know not all Anabaptists held to trueNT beliefs and that some were heretics...but wouldn't the churcheswithin the Catholic church also be held to the same criticism. Mybelief is that the Lord has always had a believing remnant of local NTchurches (with and w/o the name "Baptist") on them (Matt 28- Lo I amwith you always) and that they existed in hiding mainly through that dark period of the Dark Ages...there is truly not much history writtenon them, and much of what was written was predominately written by theopposition (R. Catholics).
It's hard to write on the run! Keep the faith, keep serving the Lord and thanks for the great series- Iam very much enjoying it, expecting to learn and I'm definitely willingto change and mature in my faith and service to our wonderful Lord. Allfor His glory!
Bro Jim Leavenworth
Victory Baptist Church

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