Hello everyone,
It is Friday and the weekend is here. I have been sick for the past few days and have only posted one article. I should be back to my normal posting schedule now. I want to thank Charles for ensuring new articles have been posted everyday.
For today I have decided to post a few miscellaneous things.
I recieved the following from Answer In Genesis:
I just wanted to remind you of the upcoming Creation Apologetics and Geology course that is starting March 2. Registration closes on Feb 25 and you can sign up for the course online at,235.aspx or call our customer service department at 1-800-778-3390.
Hope to see you there.
Grace and Peace,
Roger Patterson
Content Developer
Educational Resources Development
Answers in Genesis
P.O. Box 510
Hebron, KY 41048
Answers in Genesis is a non-profit, Christ centered, non-denominational ministry dedicated to upholding the authority of Scripture from the very first verse!
I am currently taking the Foundations in Creation Apologetics APO 101 Winter 2007
course and I have enjoyed it. I would highly recommend people to take the time to take a course.
I am part of an e-mail discussion group that includes many paastors. A few days ago someone posted the following:
A good illustration about how spiritually dark (dense?) some people are...
I had a funeral today (yes, Ash Wednesday!). While we were driving to the cemetery, the funeral director was telling me about a woman who wanted her mother's funeral to be held in the funeral home chapel. There is a cross hanging on the wall. If the funeral is for a Roman Catholic family, they take down the cross and put up a crucifix. So, this woman goes into the chapel and sees the cross hanging on the wall. "Can that cross come down?" she asked. "Yes," said the director, "if you would like that." "Well, no, on second thought, why don't you leave it there," she said. "My mother had a beautiful hat that she always wore. That cross would be very good to hang it on during the funeral."The funeral director said he must have had a look of absolute horror on his face. For the next thing she said was, "Oh. I take it that wouldn't be a good idea?"
What a dark world we live in!
How much work we have to do!
A few day's later someone responded with this story:
Great story about the Lady.
It made me think of my first year of ministry. I was called to do a funeral by a funeral director, whose regular stand in couldn't make it. It was my second funeral. When I showed up, the guy was laid out in the coffin. In his right hand was a beer bottle. Between his legs was a 12 pack of Stroh's. In his left hand was a cellophane bag and lighter. Behind his hear was a cigarette. And on his his head was a VFW cap. There was other stuff in there with him I won't get into, but suffice to say he was a Vietnahm Vet who smoked and drank himself to death in the VFW.
I admit I was shocked by what I saw, so I excused myself and went to the bathroom to collect myself. When I came back I said the greeting, said the collect, read the lessons, and then said,
"I want to thank the family and friends for placing in the coffin reminders of what got Jeff into this coffin. Now let me tell you the about the only hope there is for getting him out."
The scripture readings for today are:
Isaiah 58:1-9
Psalm 51:3-6:18-19
Matthew 9:14-15
Have a great weekend and a blessed Lord's Day
It is Friday and the weekend is here. I have been sick for the past few days and have only posted one article. I should be back to my normal posting schedule now. I want to thank Charles for ensuring new articles have been posted everyday.
For today I have decided to post a few miscellaneous things.
I recieved the following from Answer In Genesis:
I just wanted to remind you of the upcoming Creation Apologetics and Geology course that is starting March 2. Registration closes on Feb 25 and you can sign up for the course online at,235.aspx or call our customer service department at 1-800-778-3390.
Hope to see you there.
Grace and Peace,
Roger Patterson
Content Developer
Educational Resources Development
Answers in Genesis
P.O. Box 510
Hebron, KY 41048
Answers in Genesis is a non-profit, Christ centered, non-denominational ministry dedicated to upholding the authority of Scripture from the very first verse!
I am currently taking the Foundations in Creation Apologetics APO 101 Winter 2007
course and I have enjoyed it. I would highly recommend people to take the time to take a course.
I am part of an e-mail discussion group that includes many paastors. A few days ago someone posted the following:
A good illustration about how spiritually dark (dense?) some people are...
I had a funeral today (yes, Ash Wednesday!). While we were driving to the cemetery, the funeral director was telling me about a woman who wanted her mother's funeral to be held in the funeral home chapel. There is a cross hanging on the wall. If the funeral is for a Roman Catholic family, they take down the cross and put up a crucifix. So, this woman goes into the chapel and sees the cross hanging on the wall. "Can that cross come down?" she asked. "Yes," said the director, "if you would like that." "Well, no, on second thought, why don't you leave it there," she said. "My mother had a beautiful hat that she always wore. That cross would be very good to hang it on during the funeral."The funeral director said he must have had a look of absolute horror on his face. For the next thing she said was, "Oh. I take it that wouldn't be a good idea?"
What a dark world we live in!
How much work we have to do!
A few day's later someone responded with this story:
Great story about the Lady.
It made me think of my first year of ministry. I was called to do a funeral by a funeral director, whose regular stand in couldn't make it. It was my second funeral. When I showed up, the guy was laid out in the coffin. In his right hand was a beer bottle. Between his legs was a 12 pack of Stroh's. In his left hand was a cellophane bag and lighter. Behind his hear was a cigarette. And on his his head was a VFW cap. There was other stuff in there with him I won't get into, but suffice to say he was a Vietnahm Vet who smoked and drank himself to death in the VFW.
I admit I was shocked by what I saw, so I excused myself and went to the bathroom to collect myself. When I came back I said the greeting, said the collect, read the lessons, and then said,
"I want to thank the family and friends for placing in the coffin reminders of what got Jeff into this coffin. Now let me tell you the about the only hope there is for getting him out."
The scripture readings for today are:
Isaiah 58:1-9
Psalm 51:3-6:18-19
Matthew 9:14-15
Have a great weekend and a blessed Lord's Day

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