Book Review: Part 2- The Saving Life of Christ by Major W. Ian Thomas
This is part two of a short review of this very helpful book. I'm not doing a full review of every chapter, instead I'm just sharing some thoughts as I see things in the book that are tremendous and that touch my heart.
Do you ever get frustrated in your Christian walk? How about pastors and Bible teachers...ever get frustrated and feel like giving up because you don't see results and it seems you are just beating the air? I've felt this way many times...and that's why the following quote really touched me at the core...great points to reflect on:
In chapter Five, "Any Old Bush Will Do", the author makes the following statement as he talked about men who many consider to be spiritual like Robert Mueller, Hudson Taylor and D. L. Moody. Speaking of the stark difference in their apparant success...and many others' obvious failure he asked this question, "Were they God's favorites?
His answer was thought provoking to say the least, "Of course they were not! They were simply men who had qualified in the school of failure and despair. They were men who came to end of themselves and discovered that what they were apart from God was nothing!" He went on to say, 'but is is in the school of destitution- the bitter school of self-discovery- that finally you graduate into usefulness, when at last you discover the total bankruptcy of what you are apart from what God is! These men made this discovery and were blessed!"
Lord- enroll me in the school of destitution, open my eyes to your glory and my wretchedness, not in my mind...but in my heart and allow me to rest in Christ alone, for your glory alone...Christ in me the hope of glory.
Till next time....think...
Do you ever get frustrated in your Christian walk? How about pastors and Bible teachers...ever get frustrated and feel like giving up because you don't see results and it seems you are just beating the air? I've felt this way many times...and that's why the following quote really touched me at the core...great points to reflect on:
In chapter Five, "Any Old Bush Will Do", the author makes the following statement as he talked about men who many consider to be spiritual like Robert Mueller, Hudson Taylor and D. L. Moody. Speaking of the stark difference in their apparant success...and many others' obvious failure he asked this question, "Were they God's favorites?
His answer was thought provoking to say the least, "Of course they were not! They were simply men who had qualified in the school of failure and despair. They were men who came to end of themselves and discovered that what they were apart from God was nothing!" He went on to say, 'but is is in the school of destitution- the bitter school of self-discovery- that finally you graduate into usefulness, when at last you discover the total bankruptcy of what you are apart from what God is! These men made this discovery and were blessed!"
Lord- enroll me in the school of destitution, open my eyes to your glory and my wretchedness, not in my mind...but in my heart and allow me to rest in Christ alone, for your glory alone...Christ in me the hope of glory.
Till next time....think...

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