A land mine is an explosive device designed to be placed on or in the ground to explode when triggered by an operator or the proximity of a vehicle, person, or animal.
Landmines are deadly and dangerous even after a war is over. Just as landmines are used in physical warfare there are spiritual landmines that are used in spiritual warfare. This is the premise of the book, "Landmines in the path of the believer" by Charles Stanley. I recently purchased the book and the workbook. I am taking some time to today to read the book and answer the questions in the workbook.
I love the cover of the book!
Charles Stanley does not hold to reformed theology as I do. However, I feel the book has given me much to think about.
From the introduction of the book:
Many people mistakenly think Satan uses obvious means to draw us off course. However, his most devastating weapons of warfare are barley visible. They lay hidden below the surface of our spiritual landscape. Yet when we move in their direction, they explode beneath us, inflicting deep heartache, sorrow, and darkness.
Chapter one is called, "Facing the Hidden Threat" on page 3 Charles Stanley writes,
You must settle two things.
First, God is greater then any weapon Satan can bring against you. No matter how horrendous Satan's attack may seem, God is all-powerful.
Second, to conquer these sins, you must acknowledge that God has forbidden each one.
I will post more thoughts throughout the day.

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