I hope everyone had a great Lord's Day.
There are over ONE million+ sermon downloads every month!
Most of the readers to this blog are probably familiar with Sermonaudio.
For those who are not, let me share some information about the site:
They are currently the largest and fastest-growing library of audio sermons on the web with over 173,800 FREE MP3 sermons which can be streamed online for immediate listening or optionally downloaded to your computer or portable MP3 player for listening at a later time.
You can search through all sermons very quickly by broadcaster, Bible reference, topic, speaker, date preached, and keyword.
There are over ONE million+ sermon downloads every month!
Sermonaudio is an amazing tool that should be used by Christians everywhere.
Because there are some many Churches and sermons to choose from on the web-site I have come up with a great idea.
Let's create a list of the best Reformed Baptist Churches on sermonaudio.
The reason I am suggesting Reformed Baptist Churches is because the Preaching Today blog is a ministry of Victory Baptist Church which is a Reformed Baptist Church.
Here is how I suggest we create the list.
Begin listening to sermons from these churches:
Try to listen to a few each week. After a period of time determine how much you like the teaching and if you would recommend others to listen as well.
Then send me the link to the church you are recommending. My e-mail is
I will compile a list and then post links to the churches.
There is some great preaching out there but finding it can be difficult.
My first suggestion is
I listen to this on my Ipod on a regular basis and I always learn something and challenged.
If you listen please send me your thoughts and comments.
Let's work together to compile the list of some of the best teaching available on sermonaudio
Have a great week and happy listening.

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