
I looked up discouragement in a dictionary and was led to the word, dishearten.
Dishearten means: To cause to lose spirit or morale
The last few months has been hard for me as a Pastor.
I have had to work some bizarre hours in my other job and a few times I have had to preach after going over 24 hours without sleep.
After one such sermon I think I ended up getting more criticism for the sermon then I did thanks for sacrificing to ensure we had a service.
Last Sunday I messed up again and ended up preaching something that offended many and I received a number of complaints.
Discouraged and disheartened are good words to describe how I have felt.
I am now second guessing myself about what I should or shouldn't say in a sermon.
I feel the people are growing tired of me and my preaching.
Emotions can be a dangerous thing and one must not let them blur reality.
My focus must be on Christ not on me.
Today I came across the following quote that I felt was perfect for me to read.
Don't give in to discouragement. If you are discouraged it is a sign of pride because it shows you trust in your own powers. Never bother about people's opinions. Be obedient to truth. For with humble obedience, you will never be disturbed.
-- Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
I ask the readers of this blog to pray for me and that I can enter the pulpit Sunday excited to proclaim God's word and with confidence not second guessing myself.
I have to work my other job again this weekend so pray I will not allow that burden to discourage me either.
Thanks for reading this and thank you in advance for praying for me.
I have a lot to learn as a Pastor and I hope I can make it thorough this difficult time with out hurting God's church.

I am sorry to hear that you are discouraged. That is one place no one likes to be. I like the quote from Mother Teresa.
I would like to say, it is OK for people to disagree with what you have said, you are, after all, challenging what they believe. Their disagreement should challenge you on what you believe and why, as well as vise a versa. To agree with someone is not always the way to arrive at the truth of a matter. Disagreements should be respectful, not attacking the person/s, but the argument. If a persons beliefs are challenged it may be perceived as a personal attack but it should help to strengthen what is believed. When your beliefs are challenged don't take it as a personal attack, and try to ensure that others know the same from you. You may not change the beliefs of others, but that isn't your job either. Your job is to proclaim the truth and let God do the changing. No matter the subject. When you are challenged, go back, see if you missed anything, look with fresh eyes at the subject. Get more information, look from different angels, see if the challenge is valid. If you missed something the first time around don't be to proud to admit it. If you have made a broad sweeping statement perhaps you have lumped everyone together, which can be a mistake. Finally if you are being challenged on a doctrinal issue stand for all that you are worth, but if it is a matter of liberty let God do the standing.
I hope my words are taken as the encouragement that I intended them to be and you need, because we need you.
prayin for ya!
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