
Saturday, July 5, 2008

50 Reason Why I Don’t Read the Bible

Talk to people today about the bible and you will soon realize that everyone has an opinion but in most cases people are biblically illiterate!

Very few have really taken the time to read the bible and even fewer have taken the time to study it. Back To the Bible a ministry which is located in Nebraska recently did a survey to find out who people don't read the bible. Here is what they found:

Bad eyesight
Bad time management
Church-related activities
Crazy schedule
Earthly interests
Have no idea where to start
I am overextended
I am selfish
I don’t know!
I don’t like to read
I don’t understand it
It’s boring
It’s full of contradictions
Lack of a meaningful plan
Lack of desire
Lack of effort
Lack of time
Money issues
My church activities
My own laziness
I don’t have any accountability
Other obligations
Other priorities
Over commitment
Poor excuses
Poor health
Pressures from work
I read other Bible-related literature
Lack of self-discipline
I need sleep
Sometimes depression
The busyness of raising a family
There are things to do
Time & family
Time & procrastination
Too many distractions
Too much TV
I’m too tired
Tyranny of the urgent!
Work exhaustion
I don’t want others to see me because I
don’t want them to think I am showing off

What jumps out to you? For me it was the following reasons:

Church-related activities
My church activities

Now I cannot be for sure what these two reasons mean but I have a very good idea. Many churches instead of spending time teaching the bible and teaching people how to study it, actually creates all kinds of activities and functions that have nothing to do with the bible!

Think about it, Churches are creating activities that are actually taking people away from the bible!

Are you reading the bible on a regular basis?

Is your church teaching the bible?

Has your church taken the time to teach you how to really study the bible?

Here is some help in reading your bible:

Bible Reading Guides

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> posted by Trevor Hammack at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trevor, thanks for your post. People are busy these days, and they don’t take the time to read the Bible. I read through once a year, but I also listen as well. I downloaded my free audio bible at

Listening through the entire Scripture is surprisingly enjoyable. You can absorb large amounts of the Scripture in a short time period, and it’s all in context. Most people don’t realize that 70 percent of Scripture is in story-telling form and when reconstructed in a dramatized format becomes very engaging – like a book on tape.

July 7, 2008 at 12:27 PM  

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