I hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend. I wanted to take some time tonight to suggest some good books and a great DVD.
History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin
This is a set of four books that was originally 16 volumes and published as eight volumes in 1867. This set was out of print for 150 years. Jean Henri Merle d'Aubigne (1794-1872), was born in Geneva, Switzerland, to French Protestant (Huguenot) parents. He was highly educated, but not as a Christian. Calvin and the Reformation was no longer a great influence in Geneva. Robert Haldane, a Scottish Presbyterian, visited the city in 1817 and as a result, many, including d'Aubigne, were converted. At this point, d'Aubigne took up theological studies and was ordained. He became the pastor of the French Reformed Church in Hamburg in 1818. He eventually spent 41 years as professor of church history in Geneva. This edition closely follows the original text and the page numbering matches the original. Pages: 2039. Publisher: Hartland Publications. Cover: paperback.
Archibald Alexander Hodge
Charles Hodge has in his Systematic Theology provided a storehouse from which succeeding generations have steadily drawn. Warring against a waning Calvinism, a rising Darwinism, and a threatening biblical criticsm, Hodge sought to reassert the biblical faith in a fashion both persuasive and impregnable. This definitive biography has the advantage of being written by a theologian who understood the issues at stake. Also, it was written by a son who understood the man.VERY SCARCE AND LONG OUT OF PRINT.NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OVER 100 YEARS!
Current Evangelical Departures from 'Sola Fide'
Sam Waldron
The undermining of classical Protestant formulations of 'sola fide' is a significant, and disheartening, feature in contemporary evangelical discussions of soteriology -
Waldron understands this and provides trenchant historical and theological critique in crystal clear prose." - Ligon Duncan"
For those still studying the issues of 'the obedience of faith' and its meaning in Reformation theology vs. modern 'covenant nomism', this is a must read." - Fred Malone"
Sam Waldron has done us a tremendous service. He has culled the writings of Luther, Calvin and Reformed symbolics of sola fide. His method is clear. His distinctions are crucial. His conclusions are cogent." - Richard Barcellos
Stephen J. Lawson
"Through an introductory study of John Calvin's preaching, Steve Lawson provides a practical Homiletics 1 refresher course that can be read in one evening, but should be read annually for lifelong impact. Factual yet stimulating, simple yet penetrating, '
The Expository Genius of John Calvin' contains many scriptural and theocentric golden nuggets and hands-on practical tips for beginning expositors and seasoned preachers alike. May God use it to revitalize Christ-centered and Spirit-empowered applicatory preaching in our day." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke
"Preachers reading this book will be moved to take to heart Calvin's encompassion belief in the sovereignty of God's Word - as to its total sufficiency and massive potency. Further, they will be inspired to pursue the deep, enriching paths of lectio continua. This is a beautifully written, powerful, and convincing book. It is a must read for all who aspire to preach the word." - R. Kent Hughes
"In this book, Dr. Steve Lawson has masterfully presented us with thirty-two keynotes that made Calvin the best preacher of the Reformation, all of them centered around the Word of God preached expositorily. I would make this book recommended reading in courses such as homiletics and missions for any serious pastor and student." - Dr. Alonzo Ramirez
"An infectious appreciation of the preaching of John Calvin from the pen of Steven Lawson. No one reading this volume can fail to appreciate the debt we owe the 'Genevan Reformer.' Lawson has consulted the best of current scholarship and has produced a comprehensive distillation of the contours of the Reformer's preaching and, with it, a compelling advocacy of consecutive expository preaching. A magnificent achievement."
-Dr. Derek Thomas
And one last suggestion:
The History & Theology of Calvinism
Hosted by Eric Holmberg
This is a three-part, ten section DVD hosted by Eric Holmberg over two and half hours (est. running time) that covers and hopefully answers these and many other questions. Useful for Sunday school, Wednesday night study, small group or new members class. Crammed full of vignettes, analogies and interviews from leading Biblical scholars, church historians and pastors such as Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Dr. George Grant, Dr. Stephen Mansfield, Dr. Thomas Ascol, Dr. Thomas Nettles, Dr. Roger Schultz, Pastor Walt Chantry, Dr. Joe Morecraft, Dr. Ken Talbot, Pastor Walter Bowie and Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr.,
this video will explain what the great Baptist preacher C.H. Spurgeon meant when he said "to deny Calvinism is to deny the gospel of Jesus Christ." "This video series boldly, clearly, and winsomely sets forth the glorious, saving grace of God in its splendor and will help thousands to understand the gospel better and so to be filled with praise for their Savior." -Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, associate professor of historical theology and social ethics, Knox Theological Seminary, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
All of these suggestions can be ordered from this link:

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