Adventures of a Bi-Vocational Pastor

It is almost 4 pm in the afternoon on Friday. I should be getting ready to go home from work and start studying for my sermons for Sunday, but this weekend is going to be different.
I had to wake up at 7:00 am today and go to work. I got home sometime after 10am. I was told that I needed to come back at 11:00pm tonight to work. I came home and tried to get some sleep. The phone rang and I was then told that I need to report at 3:00am! So at this point I have no idea when I should try to go to sleep. There is some good news to report. This Sunday I will have some help. Jason McFadden one of the Preaching Today team members will teach during the bible study hour. He will be teaching from the Puritan Catechism. Jim Leavenworth, also a preaching today team member will be preaching during the morning worship service. He has to work all night Saturday so it is not going to be easy for him either. He will be preaching from Hebrews 6. I will be preaching the evening service. In times past when I had to work some crazy shift like this I taught and preached for every service. Having men who are qualified and trained to teach and preach is a great blessing! I will go to work at 3:00 am and I am not sure when I will go home. I will return to work Saturday night at 11:00pm and work until Sunday Morning at 7:00am. Preparing to preach is going to be difficult but I should be able to accomplish it. Please pray for all of us as we prepare to teach and preach Sunday. Teaching God's word is a great responsibility and it must be done carefully and we must ensure the text is taught correctly. I may post some thoughts through out tonight so people will know how things are going.
Here are the scripture readings for Sunday
Isaiah 55:10-11
Psalm 65:10-14
Romans 8:18-23
Matthew 13:1-23
Have a great weekend.

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