This is where we Focus in On The News through the Lens of Scripture! 1 Thessalonians 5:21 But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; Examine is taken from the Greek word: Dokimazo which means: to test, examine, prove, scrutinise (to see whether a thing is genuine or not), as metals to recognise as genuine after examination, to approve, deem worthy
Hi - I appreciate your writing back to my post. I don't want to appear critical of your preaching, but was trying to point out to my readers that yours is not a cut and dried "here's how it is" sermon, but more of a conversational informal setting, in which you're trying to present controversial subjects in such a way as one must usually do in a public setting where you've got folks from a wide variety of backgrounds and understandings. Some of the preachers on these subjects are short and to the point as to what they believe, but perhaps because their target audience is more likely to understand and agree with where they're coming from. You are right - people will interpret these things, and all of scripture (especially the letters to the churches) as they want to read them. I know that God will judge our hearts, and not our "church answers" or church behaviors, whether we wear a scarf to pray or not. I do thank you for posting your "rambling" thoughts out loud, and sharing them with your group, because you do make many good points and parallels to other scripture to back up the understanding of the scriptures themselves as we have them. Looking forward to the end (?) of the series. -LisaM of Thoseheadcoverings
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