Reformed Theology Attacked!
I just came across a sermon called, "The TULIP Wilts Under the SON."
For those who may have no idea what the significance of Tulips are, let me help.
We will be offering a detailed response to these charges soon. Please keep checking back.
For those who may have no idea what the significance of Tulips are, let me help.
Tulip is an acronym used in theology.
TULIP is an acronym used to remember the "Five Points of Calvinism," which is specifically related to soteriology, or the doctrine of salvation.
While the theological school of Calvinism is broader than the points of TULIP, it is commonly associated with its distinctives. The five points of TULIP are often referred to as the Calvinistic "Doctrines of Grace."
T - Total depravity
U - Unconditional election
L - Limited atonement
I - Irresistible grace
P - Perseverance of the saints
U - Unconditional election
L - Limited atonement
I - Irresistible grace
P - Perseverance of the saints
It is obvious that a sermon called, The TULIP Wilts Under the SON, is not in favor of reformed theology or it's teaching. In fact the sermon series seeks to show that Reformed Theology is false doctrine:
Here is how they describe the sermon:
Calvanists define their false theology with the acronym TULIP. Each of these points, as they define them, are inaccurate representations of Scripture. At first glance we may feel that we agree with the first and last points: The Total Depravity of Man and The Perseverance of the Saints.
We believe in man's sinful nature and eternal security as Biblical doctrines. But once we hear their definitions we cannot accept them.As we examine Reformed Theology we will discover that it is a Deformed Theology. It is not based solely on God's Word but upon selective reading and a perverted interpretation. A strict adherence to this teaching turns the Great Commission into the Great Ommission! That alone makes this a distorted, dangerous and damnable doctrine to be strictly avoided and passionately preached against!
Notice some of the language used on the above overview:
Calvanists define their false theology
Each of these points, as they define them, are inaccurate representations of Scripture.
Reformed Theology we will discover that it is a Deformed Theology.
It is not based solely on God's Word but upon selective reading and a perverted interpretation
Wow, those are some major accusations! Does the pastor actually prove his claims?
You can listen to his accusations here:
We will be offering a detailed response to these charges soon. Please keep checking back.

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