The Power Of Blogging

Many people do not realize the power of blogs. In a recent interview
Rupert Murdoch said the following:
"It used to be that a handful of editors could decide what was news-and
what was not. They acted as sort of demigods. If they ran a story, it
became news. If they ignored an event, it never happened. Today editors are losing
this power. The Internet, for example, provides access to thousands of
new sources that cover things an editor might ignore. And if you aren't
satisfied with that, you can start up your own blog and cover and
comment on the news yourself. Journalists like to think of themselves as
watchdogs, but they haven't always responded well when the public calls
them to account."
To make his point, Murdoch criticized the media reaction after bloggers
debunked a "60 Minutes" report by former CBS anchor, Dan Rather, that President
Bush had evaded service during his days in the National Guard.
"Far from celebrating this citizen journalism, the establishment media
reacted defensively. During an appearance on Fox News, a CBS executive
attacked the bloggers in a statement that will go down in the annals of
arrogance. '60 Minutes,' he said, was a professional organization with
'multiple layers of checks and balances.' By contrast, he dismissed the
blogger as 'a guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas writing.'
But eventually it was the guys sitting in their pajamas who forced Mr.
Rather and his producer to resign.
You can read the entire article at this link:
People should not discount the power of a blog!

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