I apologize for not posting more frequently. I will try to ensure new content everyday. Last night I got some new music and want to share it with you.
Artist: RIO aka Kuntry Boyy
Album: “A Different World”
Label: Christ Like Records
This album is getting some very nice reviews. Consider the following:
RATING:10 out of 10 A+ (I purposely tried not to give this album a perfect score but, it’s a mirror image of flawless)
DeMario Oliver used to be a whoremonger, womanizer, a habitual liar, and so much more. I know this personally not because a cd told me so. And he did these things for YEEEEAAAAARRRRRSSSSSS!!! While being a so called Christian in Church. I know this personally not because a cd told me so. All this, while being a very talented drummer in the Gospel Music and Play arena.
Therefore, it WAS very challenging for me to accept that Ri was a Believer who wanted to make an impact with his local assembly in the community by using his life beyond music. Furthermore, I was just down right taken aback when it was announced that RIO would be standing before millions on a public platform as a Christian Rapper or Holy Hip Hopper because I knew his history, as I just previously stated.
So through the fire comes the Gold.
RIO has been the product of GOD’s hand manifesting him on a road of 180ness…never to return to his vomit.
Over the past 3 years I’ve closely watched RIO and I know that I have not been alone in doing so.
RIO had some “bastardly” ways and he hurt numerous people….myself included in that number.
But, after all of the that…The LORD Christ Jesus Himself repented, changed, charged, covered, delivered, and elevated DeMario Oliver to a place of reconciliation and redemption.
And out of all those labor pains comes the birth of a life of integrity, love, compassion, and standard. And they all in turn spewed out the product of RIO’s debut album entitled “A Different World!”
I got the advanced copy from RIO himself….a few days prior to writing this review. And….
All I have to say is THAT….I-million-dog-dare-you to find ONE wack song on this record. I dare you!!!
The scriptural foundation of this album is the following scripture in John (KJV):
“John 18:36 - Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world …”
RIO does a pretty swell job with infusing the meaning of that Scripture in “A Different World” the album. But, what’s even more impressive is…he now has a Life to match!
The production on “A Different World” matches or surpasses production in any genre…period.
There are only Three producer for this 17 track master piece. Those producers are Kuntry Boyy of Kuntry Boyy Productions, Steve-T of Forever Music, and J.R. of So Hot Productions. And they used some GOD given ability to hand craft some musical Gems.
The musical backdrop for the lyrics on this album is just Phenomenal to say the least.
NethraDenise adds tremendous spark as a Female Christian Rapper on Track 12 “Life 2 Da Body.” She was fantastic on this song especially seeing how both Secular and Christian Hip Hop are Male dominated. RIO and MikeREAL [better known in St. Louis as the dynamic duo] crush Track 11 “We Live.” MikeREAL is really developing as a Kingdom MVP as far as HHH is concerned. This will not get him any points with the KING but, for all you music lovers out there I thought you’d like to know who to watch and support.
New comer Brother Terrence brings a delightfully laid back approach to Track 14 “B.O.S.S” SoulO absolutely will be one of the reasons you love Track 4 “Stand Up.” His chorus is so radiant, vocally.
Devin Thacker proves that Caucasians can not only JUMP but, they can sing too. On Track 17 “Guide Me Home” Devin does a beautiful job of balancing his singing and keeping his vocal contributions attractive by not trying too hard to empress listeners and in the process “screwing up the song,” He doesn’t screw up! So, Devin Thacker is one to watch out for if you are a Holy Hip Hop Head that also loves Rhythm and Praise.
Speaking of Rhythm and Praise the highly impacting J.R. has used his vocal prowess to lace the crafty chorus on Track 10 “So Elektrick.” NOT ONLY THAT but, J.R. has a warrant out for his ‘arrest and conviction’ for making one of the most musically brilliant tracks I’ve ever heard in the HHH genre. His beat for “Live FREE” by LeCrae had the title belt until now. “So Electrick” is just astronomical!
The Band of Brothers (Jentile and Gabe) ride Track 15 “Rockabye” so tight you wonder if they thought it was a ride at Six Flags. B.O.B did an outstanding job. One half of B.O.B known as Jentile is the CEO of Christ Like Records. It is amazing how he is juggling all these hats cause by the sound of this album Jentile will have his hands full seeing to it that “A Different World” and RIO see the proper marketing and promotion needed to get this record the exposure it will take to make this project known to those who are looking for something like this.
Kenny DeShields is also featured on Track 15 "Rockabye" lending some very gentle and smooth vocals to the hook. Kenny's voice is a treat no doubt.
Paisa is a great addition because he is simply ‘extraterrestrial’ as a KINGDOM guitarist not surrendering his craft and skills to the world. Cause if you watched Making The Band 4 we know that Diddy is making “His Band” and is looking for Guitar players even if they come from the Church. So, I applaud Paisa for not compromising cause he ‘Hulk Hogan’d’ and ‘Air Jordan’d’ Track 7 “Pain Killer.”
Track 8 “Eyes Open” features fellow St. Louis Christian Producer Steve-T [who has an awesome testimony of deliverance but, that’s for another story]. Steve-T must’ve made this beat for the Holy Riders like (www.holyrollerz.org) who got them BIG TOYS. I mean this song sounds so BIG and beats so HARD that a little Ford Focus might mess around and have a mechanical seizure when Track 8 is played.
Jessica Edwards’s voice is so angelic, pleasing to the ear, and fresh that RIO and Christ Like Records so it was mandatory that she be featured on NOT ONE but TWO songs….Track 7 “Pain Killer” and Track 9 “Lettin’ Go!”
Speaking of things that I know about RIO…seeing that he is the music producer better known as Kuntry Boyy he is somewhat of a perfectionist so it is no mystery that the featured artist on this album showcased KINGDOM EXCELLENCE.
At the begging of this review, I gave you a challenge to find one wack song. But, if I just must pick unwack songs that will jump out at you they are as follows…Track 1 “Greetings Earthlings”, Track 10 “So Elektrick,” Track 12 “Life 2 Da Body.” Track 7 “Pain Killer,” Track 16 “Made To Worship,” Track 5 “Part II,” Track 13 “Knock Ville,” Track 14 “B.O.S.S,” the lead single Track 3 “Crazie”…..hey…hey…hey…I’mma stop there, cause if I keep going I’m going to list the whole album.
“A Different World” has an alien theme and the arrangement of all 17 songs superbly support this theme. Every songs message and theme flawlessly flows into the next song. RIO does an commendable job of making sure this album makes sense and he connects it well to the title “A Different World.”
Mykk C. absolutely made this record contend with Rebel and Our World Redeemed. Mykk C. mixed and mastered “A Different World” and just made every Christian music lover, listener, and maker out there proud by putting in work to see to it that KINGDOM music sounds beautifully immaculate. Thank you Mykk!!
After FLAME’s “Our World Redeemed” I thought that other Midwest HHH albums were going to have a run for their money to create projects that were just as sonically explosive. There have been Midwest, Holy South, East, and West HHH albums to be released since “Our World Redeemed” and except for one… NONE of them sound even close to matching the quality. The exception is LeCrae’s “REBEL” which just sounds BAM good!
“A Different World” has just now entered that list of contenders. So, the list is as follows FLAME’s “Our World Redeemed,” LeCrae’s “REBEL,” and RIO’s “A Different World.” Quality and Production wise these albums make some [if not a lot of] secular albums sound extremely poor in the sonic quality and production department in all regions whether secular dirty south, west, east, or midwest!
Lyrically RIO presents an extremely-dynamic work that has balanced Spiritual Truth, Biblical Relevance, and Rapping Skill to make his contribution to the world of Holy Hip Hop attractive. He has a beautiful blend of “Messiah and Metaphors.”
The album artwork is RAW. Shaun Osmer of mode7design.net did a outstanding execution of keeping the extraterrestrial theme consistent. My only suggestion would be that the artwork could’ve used a tad bit more color than just RIO’s eye and the title on the front Cover. But, over all the design is RAW.
Rick Brewer of slicker03.com took some award worthy photography. Nuff said!
It’s amazing how true the LORD’s word is. It’s even more amazing to witness how that Truth can be seen with both the spiritual and physical eye.
DeMario was an “Ugly” person with some “Ugly” ways but, our KING spoke over him and what He spoke took root in RIO. The Bible puts it this way….
1. “Psalms 149:4 - For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.”
2. “2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
So, to me DeMario is definitely a “Crazie” ALIEN and I look forward to never knowing him nor anyone else after their flesh again…just as I no longer know Christ after His!!!
It’s a New Day and “A Different World!” So, be mindful how you entertain strangers because some have entertained ALIENS, unaware.

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