More From Cotton Mather
Taken from A sermon titled "what must I do to be saved?"
by Cotton Mather
Awake up my soul! the awful day.
Is coming swiftly on,
When thou must leave this House of Clay,
And fly to Worlds unknown.
Oh! do not pass thy Life in Dreams,
To be surpriz'd by Death:
And drop unthinking down to Flames,
When I resign my Breath.
No: every day thy Course review,
Thy real State to learn:
And with an ardent Zeal pursue
Thy Great and Chief concern.
Rouze all the man: thy Work is great,
And all the man demands;
Thine Head, thine Heart, thy Breath, thy Sweat,
Thy Strength and both thine Hands.
Oh! let the important Work be done,
Done whilst 'tis call'd to Day.
Lest thou the time of Hope out-run,
And rue the mad Delay.
Repent (my soul) Believe and Pray:
Bid every lust farewell.
To thy Redeemer haste away,
And scape from Death and Hell.
To whom Dear Jesus, should I live
To whom but Thee alone.
Thou didst at first my being give,
And I am all Thine own.
To Thee I'll then my self devote,
My Life and all my Pow'rs.
Each warm affection, busy thought,
And all my passing Hours.
O Let those glorious Hopes refine,
And elevate my Soul.
To heavenly Things my Heart incline,
And meaner Joys control.
May Faith and Hope stretch all their wings,
And bear me up on high;
And as I mount may Earthly Things,
Below unheeded lie.
JESUS my Saviour and my God,
My Life and Sacrifice,
My Hopes deep founded in thy Blood,
Raise far above the skies.
Prepare me, Lord, for thy Right Hand,
Then come the joyful Day:
Come Death, and come Celestial band,
To bear my Soul away.

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