Professional Panhandler

This is where we Focus in On The News through the Lens of Scripture! 1 Thessalonians 5:21 But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; Examine is taken from the Greek word: Dokimazo which means: to test, examine, prove, scrutinise (to see whether a thing is genuine or not), as metals to recognise as genuine after examination, to approve, deem worthy
Our local Salvation Army near Butternut and 14th will put up stranded people for the night for free and provides free meals every day and even helps people find jobs and get of drugs and alcohol. On top of all that, the inside of the building looks like a Sunday School with all the references to the Bible and God.
I think that's one of the best solutions to helping the transients and others in need. The whole Salvation Army institution started somewhat like a church and some would consider it a parachurch organization. It does what the church is called to do in large measure I think.
Also, every dollar made at the Salvation Army thrift store goes directly to the programs for rehab across the street and provides the funds for other things.
If you'd like to help out there, most opportunities for volunteer work are helping out at the thrift store in various ways, helping with the meals, and other odds and ends such as painting.
Just talk to the front office and ask about such opportunities. And if someone on the street asks for a meal or needs a place to stay, take them to the Salvation Army where they can get it all for free plus greater opportunity for job hunting and hearing the gospel itself.
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