It has been a long day and I am working on my sermon for tomorrow.
We have been working our way through 1 Corinthians 7 and we have been looking at the subject of marriage and divorce. We are about to begin looking at how the bible describes what marriage should look like. I will talk about the role of the husband and the wife. Tomorrow I am going to lay a foundation by reminding everyone of the following:
The Need For Forgiveness
The Right Understanding of Love
The Role of the Church
The Need to be a Testimony
The Picture
Marriage is meant to picture an amzing truth.
Consider the words of John Piper
There is more here than meets the eye. What is it? I think it's this: God didn't create the union of Christ and the church after the pattern of human marriage; just the reverse, he created human marriage on the pattern of Christ's relation to the church. The mystery of Genesis 2:24 is that the marriage it describes is a parable or symbol of Christ's relation to his people. God doesn't do things willy-nilly. Everything has purpose and meaning. When God engaged to create man and woman and to ordain the union of marriage, he didn't roll dice or draw straws or flip a coin. He patterned marriage very purposefully after the relationship between his Son and the church, which he planned from eternity. And therefore marriage is a mystery—it contains and conceals a meaning far greater than what we see on the outside. What God has joined together in marriage is to be a reflection of the union between the Son of God and his bride the church. Those of us who are married need to ponder again and again how mysterious and wonderful it is that we are granted by God the privilege to image forth stupendous divine realities infinitely bigger and greater than ourselves.
The Church is the bride and Christ is the bridegroom. He only has one bride not many and he will not divorce us!
We have been working our way through 1 Corinthians 7 and we have been looking at the subject of marriage and divorce. We are about to begin looking at how the bible describes what marriage should look like. I will talk about the role of the husband and the wife. Tomorrow I am going to lay a foundation by reminding everyone of the following:
The Need For Forgiveness
The Right Understanding of Love
The Role of the Church
The Need to be a Testimony
The Picture
Marriage is meant to picture an amzing truth.
Consider the words of John Piper
There is more here than meets the eye. What is it? I think it's this: God didn't create the union of Christ and the church after the pattern of human marriage; just the reverse, he created human marriage on the pattern of Christ's relation to the church. The mystery of Genesis 2:24 is that the marriage it describes is a parable or symbol of Christ's relation to his people. God doesn't do things willy-nilly. Everything has purpose and meaning. When God engaged to create man and woman and to ordain the union of marriage, he didn't roll dice or draw straws or flip a coin. He patterned marriage very purposefully after the relationship between his Son and the church, which he planned from eternity. And therefore marriage is a mystery—it contains and conceals a meaning far greater than what we see on the outside. What God has joined together in marriage is to be a reflection of the union between the Son of God and his bride the church. Those of us who are married need to ponder again and again how mysterious and wonderful it is that we are granted by God the privilege to image forth stupendous divine realities infinitely bigger and greater than ourselves.
The Church is the bride and Christ is the bridegroom. He only has one bride not many and he will not divorce us!

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