Report: Exams prove abuse, torture in Iraq, Gitmo
I usually avoid posting anything that is connected to politics but I feel today that I need to post the following:
Report: Exams prove abuse, torture in Iraq, Gitmo
WASHINGTON - Medical examinations of former terrorism suspects held by the U.S. military at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, found evidence of torture and other abuse that resulted in serious injuries and mental disorders, according to a human rights group.
For the most extensive medical study of former U.S. detainees published so far, Physicians for Human Rights had doctors and mental health professionals examine 11 former prisoners. The group alleges finding evidence of U.S. torture and war crimes and accuses U.S. military health professionals of allowing the abuse of detainees, denying them medical care and providing confidential medical information to interrogators that they then exploited.
Some of these men really are, several years later, very severely scarred," said Barry Rosenfeld, a psychology professor at Fordham University who conducted psychological tests on six of the 11 detainees covered by the study. "It's a testimony to how bad those conditions were and how personal the abuse was."
One Iraqi prisoner, identified only as Yasser, reported being subjected to electric shocks three times and being sodomized with a stick. His thumbs bore round scars consistent with shocking, according to the report obtained by The Associated Press. He would not allow a full rectal exam.
To read the rest of the story follow this link:
This report brings up a big question: As Christians do we support the torture of possible enemies of our country?
I believe war is permissible if certain criteria is met:
1. To protect innocent life
2. The results of a war would be better then not going to war. In some cases if a war is not fought millions may die.In some cases if a war was not fought the loss of human life may be less then that loss during the war.
3. A just war can only be waged as a last resort. All non-violent options must be exhausted before the use of force can be justified.
4. A just war can only be fought to redress a wrong suffered. For example, self-defense against an armed attack is always considered to be a just cause.
There are other thins that could be added to that list but I believe the above illustrates the point.
If a war is fought how should the enemy combatants be treated?
Do we support torture?
Do we support harsh interrogations?
We must remember that as Christians our first allegiance is not to a flag or a country but to our God.
We are committed to the word of God not a political party.
I do not claim I have all the answers but I do know that as Christians this is an issue we must think about and spend a lot of time struggling with the scriptures to come to a biblical opinion.
Report: Exams prove abuse, torture in Iraq, Gitmo
WASHINGTON - Medical examinations of former terrorism suspects held by the U.S. military at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, found evidence of torture and other abuse that resulted in serious injuries and mental disorders, according to a human rights group.
For the most extensive medical study of former U.S. detainees published so far, Physicians for Human Rights had doctors and mental health professionals examine 11 former prisoners. The group alleges finding evidence of U.S. torture and war crimes and accuses U.S. military health professionals of allowing the abuse of detainees, denying them medical care and providing confidential medical information to interrogators that they then exploited.
Some of these men really are, several years later, very severely scarred," said Barry Rosenfeld, a psychology professor at Fordham University who conducted psychological tests on six of the 11 detainees covered by the study. "It's a testimony to how bad those conditions were and how personal the abuse was."
One Iraqi prisoner, identified only as Yasser, reported being subjected to electric shocks three times and being sodomized with a stick. His thumbs bore round scars consistent with shocking, according to the report obtained by The Associated Press. He would not allow a full rectal exam.
To read the rest of the story follow this link:
This report brings up a big question: As Christians do we support the torture of possible enemies of our country?
I believe war is permissible if certain criteria is met:
1. To protect innocent life
2. The results of a war would be better then not going to war. In some cases if a war is not fought millions may die.In some cases if a war was not fought the loss of human life may be less then that loss during the war.
3. A just war can only be waged as a last resort. All non-violent options must be exhausted before the use of force can be justified.
4. A just war can only be fought to redress a wrong suffered. For example, self-defense against an armed attack is always considered to be a just cause.
There are other thins that could be added to that list but I believe the above illustrates the point.
If a war is fought how should the enemy combatants be treated?
Do we support torture?
Do we support harsh interrogations?
We must remember that as Christians our first allegiance is not to a flag or a country but to our God.
We are committed to the word of God not a political party.
I do not claim I have all the answers but I do know that as Christians this is an issue we must think about and spend a lot of time struggling with the scriptures to come to a biblical opinion.

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