Why won't God heal amputees?

The Charismatic movement teaches that the death of Jesus Christ not only provided salvatio, but guarantees physical healing now!
The Assemblies of God is a large Charismatic denomination and in their statement of faith, they state it this way:
WE BELIEVE...Divine Healing of the Sick is a Privilege for Christians Today and is provided for in Christ's atonement (His sacrificial death on the cross for our sins).
12. Divine Healing
Divine healing is an integral part of the gospel. Deliverance from sickness is provided for in the atonement, and is the privilege of all believers.
If you have ever been to a healing crusade or watched a Charismatic preacher on T.V. then you are familiar with how this works. People are brought to the stage and claim that God has healed them from all kind of things - cancer, blindness, deafness, and many other things. However, what I find strange is that I have never seen a person who has lost their leg or one of their arms be brought up on stage and healed so the world can see. If physical healing is guaranteed for now, then why not heal amputees? Many have come back from the Iraq war and they have lost a limb and I have not seen one of them have their lost limb restored by some Charismatic who claims God has guaranteed healing now!
In fact, I listened to a sermon preached at New Hope Church in Abilene, TX, and the pastor made the following statement, "Healing is as easy to get as salvation!"
If that is true, how come amputees who become Christians remain amputees?
I know some Charismatic out there will claim that an amputee has been healed and that is fine. It should be easy to prove it. Get me a copy of the medical records showing the person was an amputee and then bring the person to me. We will take the medical records and the person to a doctor and confirm the miracle. If it is happening, I would think we would be seeing this on one of the many Charismatic T.V programs!
So charismatics, did God guarantee healing now for everyone except amputees?

Well I think their trump card is, "Amputees don't have enough faith to be healed."
Do you mean to say that there is not one amputee in the entire world that has enough faith to be healed?
Not what I say. Word of Faith leaders say that God always wants you to be healed and if you're not it's basically due to three possible reasons:
1. You didn't have enough faith to believe and receive the healing.
2. You are not saved to begin with.
3. You didn't sow enough money (see-faith) into our ministry.
(seed-faith), my bad
Good point, daddy! I'm proud!
Oh, so you have to buy your healing? By Sowing into the ministry? I get it. NOT! I don't remember anyone paying for their healing in the bible.
I remember the silversmith in Acts trying to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit and being rebuked about it...
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