I hope everyone had a great Lord's Day and a wonderful time in the word at your church.
Monday nights I usually take it easy since I spent over 3 hours teaching on Sunday.
I thought I would take a few moments and point people to a few interesting articles and news stories.
Chuck Colson: Muslims are 'Better Theologians' than American Christians
Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship, says radical Muslims would make better theologians than most Christians in America.
In his new book, The Faith, the prominent evangelical observes that radical Islamists have a better understanding of the Muslim faith than most Christians in America have of Christianity.
A study by Barna Group shows that 60 percent of Americans fail to name five of the Ten Commandments, cites Colson in his book.
To read the rest of the story follow this link:
Colson calls American church back to basics
A leading evangelical Christian says the church in America is being seduced by the comforts of modern culture. And life should be a pursuit of holiness and not happiness, says Chuck Colson.
In his newest book The Faith, Colson says many Christians in America do not have a proper view of sin, redemption, mercy, and grace. He believes many Christians cannot defend their faith because they do not know what they believe -- nor do they have a right view of the role of the church.
To read the rest of the article follow this link:
Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons fastest-growing 'churches' in US
The two fastest-growing church bodies in the United States and Canada, according to a newly published report, are ones whose beliefs are known to conflict with traditional Christian teaching.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, regarded by many Christians as cults, reported the largest membership increases in a year, according to the National Council of Churches' 2008 Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches.
Although Jehovah's Witnesses currently rank 25th in size with over 1.06 million members, they reported a 2.25 per cent increase in membership since the publication of the 2007 Yearbook.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – also known as the Mormon church – grew 1.56 per cent and is listed by the NCC as the fourth largest 'church'. ...
To read the rest of the article follow this link: Growth
A story that was more personal to me was about the death of Larry Norman
Many readers may have no idea who he was so let me provide some background:
Larry David Norman (April 8, 1947 – February 24, 2008
was an American musician, singer, songwriter and producer. Norman's recordings are noted for their Christian and social subject matter, and he is often described as the "father of Christian rock music". Norman has also been described as having had a significant influence on many artists, secular and religious.
Norman had long been associated with what has been referred to as the Jesus People movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s, although it has been reported that "he did not particularly identify himself with the youth–oriented 'Jesus movement' of the time".
I have sitting before me as I type a copy of the album, Only Visiting This Planet by Larry Norman. I have listened to this album a hundred times easily.
Here some information about the album:
Only Visiting This Planet is the title of an album recorded by Larry Norman in 1972. The album has been voted "The Best Contemporary Christian Album of All Time" by CCM Magazine
contributing editors[1].
Here is th message that Larry posted on his website on the 23 Feburary 2008:
feel like a prize in a box of cracker jacks with God's hand reaching down to pick me up. I have been under medical care for months. My wounds are getting bigger. I have trouble breathing. I am ready to fly home. I won't be here much longer. I can't do anything about it. My heart is too weak. I want to say goodbye to everyone. In the past you have generously supported me with prayer and finance and we will probably still need financial help. My plan is to be buried in a simple pine box with some flowers inside. I'd like to push back the darkness with my bravest effort. There will be funeral information posted on my website, in case some of you want to attend. We are not sure of the date when I will die. Goodbye, farewell, we will meet again.
He influenced music in a mighty way and sadly many have no idea who he is.
Christ is the most bountiful physician. Christ elevates all his patients: he doth not only cure them, but crown them (Rev. 2:10). Christ doth not only raise them from the bed, but to the throne;he gives the sick man not only health, but also heaven."-Thomas Watson
Steve Camp has posted a very good article about Larry. You can read it at this link:
Everyone have a great night
Monday nights I usually take it easy since I spent over 3 hours teaching on Sunday.
I thought I would take a few moments and point people to a few interesting articles and news stories.
Chuck Colson: Muslims are 'Better Theologians' than American Christians
Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship, says radical Muslims would make better theologians than most Christians in America.
In his new book, The Faith, the prominent evangelical observes that radical Islamists have a better understanding of the Muslim faith than most Christians in America have of Christianity.
A study by Barna Group shows that 60 percent of Americans fail to name five of the Ten Commandments, cites Colson in his book.
To read the rest of the story follow this link:
Colson calls American church back to basics
A leading evangelical Christian says the church in America is being seduced by the comforts of modern culture. And life should be a pursuit of holiness and not happiness, says Chuck Colson.
In his newest book The Faith, Colson says many Christians in America do not have a proper view of sin, redemption, mercy, and grace. He believes many Christians cannot defend their faith because they do not know what they believe -- nor do they have a right view of the role of the church.
To read the rest of the article follow this link:
Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons fastest-growing 'churches' in US
The two fastest-growing church bodies in the United States and Canada, according to a newly published report, are ones whose beliefs are known to conflict with traditional Christian teaching.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, regarded by many Christians as cults, reported the largest membership increases in a year, according to the National Council of Churches' 2008 Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches.
Although Jehovah's Witnesses currently rank 25th in size with over 1.06 million members, they reported a 2.25 per cent increase in membership since the publication of the 2007 Yearbook.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – also known as the Mormon church – grew 1.56 per cent and is listed by the NCC as the fourth largest 'church'. ...
To read the rest of the article follow this link: Growth
A story that was more personal to me was about the death of Larry Norman
Many readers may have no idea who he was so let me provide some background:
Larry David Norman (April 8, 1947 – February 24, 2008
was an American musician, singer, songwriter and producer. Norman's recordings are noted for their Christian and social subject matter, and he is often described as the "father of Christian rock music". Norman has also been described as having had a significant influence on many artists, secular and religious.
Norman had long been associated with what has been referred to as the Jesus People movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s, although it has been reported that "he did not particularly identify himself with the youth–oriented 'Jesus movement' of the time".
I have sitting before me as I type a copy of the album, Only Visiting This Planet by Larry Norman. I have listened to this album a hundred times easily.
Here some information about the album:
Only Visiting This Planet is the title of an album recorded by Larry Norman in 1972. The album has been voted "The Best Contemporary Christian Album of All Time" by CCM Magazine
contributing editors[1].
Here is th message that Larry posted on his website on the 23 Feburary 2008:
feel like a prize in a box of cracker jacks with God's hand reaching down to pick me up. I have been under medical care for months. My wounds are getting bigger. I have trouble breathing. I am ready to fly home. I won't be here much longer. I can't do anything about it. My heart is too weak. I want to say goodbye to everyone. In the past you have generously supported me with prayer and finance and we will probably still need financial help. My plan is to be buried in a simple pine box with some flowers inside. I'd like to push back the darkness with my bravest effort. There will be funeral information posted on my website, in case some of you want to attend. We are not sure of the date when I will die. Goodbye, farewell, we will meet again.
He influenced music in a mighty way and sadly many have no idea who he is.
Christ is the most bountiful physician. Christ elevates all his patients: he doth not only cure them, but crown them (Rev. 2:10). Christ doth not only raise them from the bed, but to the throne;he gives the sick man not only health, but also heaven."-Thomas Watson
Steve Camp has posted a very good article about Larry. You can read it at this link:
Everyone have a great night

I am one of those 2 out of 3 Jehovah's Witnesses that left the WatchTower Cult, as have all but two members of our 5 JW generation family.
If interested in discovering the "real Jehovah's Witnesses" as revealed by the American Judicial System:
The following website summarizes 500 U.S. court cases and lawsuits affecting children of Jehovah's Witness Parents, including 350 cases where the JW Parents refused to consent to life-saving blood transfusions for their dying children:
The following website summarizes nearly 500 lawsuits filed by Jehovah's Witnesses against their Employers, including JWs hurt on the job and who refused blood transfusions, etc.
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