Outpouring of God or Inpouring of Money?
There have been many claims of revival and mighty outpourings from God. For example, in the 1990's we had the Brownsville Revival and now we have the Lakleland Revival. What usally accompanies these supposed revivals is an opportunity for people to make a lot of money. This happens in a few different ways:
1. Merchandise: Everyone will have a book that you need. It will be the book they claim will change your life forever.. You will need the DVD set so you can experience the outpouring of God in your own home. But wait - there is more! If they can somehow create a product that is connected to the revival with any perceived spiritual benefit, they will do it!
2. Offerings: At some point there is always the claim that people need to give in order for the revival to continue. Don't let this miraculous move of God end! Give sacrificially and keep this revival going. I always find this claim humorous. God is supposedly healing people of all kinds of horrible diseases but somehow he can never provide money to sustain the revival.
3. Plant a seed. They will claim that if you plant a seed (which is code for "give us money") then God will give you back more. You give 10 dollars and God will give you a hundred.
Is any of this happening with the Lakeland Revival?
Consider the following:
The following was found on the God TV website:
Here is the link:
To our dear friends all across the world – we feel as though our lives, the lives of our GOD TV teams and the lives of you - our viewers will never be the same again and we know so many many of you are feeling the same. Even as we write the Angelic Presence is so strong across the airwaves.
We are literally receiving thousands of emails from you, our viewers ALL ACROSS THE WORLD, telling us where you’re watching, sending healing testimonies and prayer requests and begging us NOT TO STOP BROADCASTING THIS REVIVAL!FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS, we believe that GOD TV was raised up to show the Glory of God throughout the earth and connect the nations of GOD in this vast outpouring Of Gods GLORY and HIS GRACE upon the nations - And YOU can be part of the miraculous by helping us take the fire of revival from Florida to the uttermost parts of the earth.
We have rescheduled all our programming, and are about to make some revolutionary decisions which will no doubt cost us more revenue, but we want to be OBEDIENT to the Spirit of the Lord. As many of you have guessed, we have NO BUDGET to broadcast this outpouring.
It was not in OUR plans – oh but HOW it was in GODS PLANS FOR GOD TV!We have gone out on a limb and are riding the wave with the Holy Spirit.
This Sunday we run out of the money given to carry the revival live EVERY night, but our hearts AND YOUR hearts are all burning to keep the revival on air!
If its within your power to sow into broadcasting this historic outpouring – and you are led by the Lord to do so – countless millions around the world will be eternally grateful – what can we say – things we know your heart already beats with - multitudes are already being DELIVERED, SET FREE, HEALED, RADICALLY SAVED AND SET AFLAME BY THESE BROADCASTS ALL ACROSS THE EARTH!
We need YOU… the Body of Christ needs YOU… the lost world needs YOU to ensure these live broadcasts keep going for the next 40 days!Please help us NOW!We love and appreciate you so VERY much... thank you for doing whatever you can...
Rory & Wendy Alec
Also consider the following Video
So then, is Lakeland really interested in the outpouring of God, or are they looking to have the money pouring in?

Where has the real awesome book been this whole revival? If you dont know what book that I'm talking about then you definitely are not a Christian. ITS CALLED A BIBLE!!!!!!!!!! Where is it!!???!!!???!?????
Maybe this is not God's revival but satan's and all his demons.
That's why they don't use the BIBLE!
makes me wonder how men like Johnathan Edwards were able to do what they did(they just submitted to God's will, God did it through them) before Bentley's books came out
Take a close look into this mans eyes and tell me, as a Christian what does your own spirit tell you. Mine groans and it makes me uncomfortable to watch him.
I do wish that Todd Bentley and the others of the Lakeland revival would take all the money and give it to the poor and to missions. What is sad is to watch these people get rich off others "blessings" and not give it back to the true kingdom of God.
"Me. Me. Me and... ME!!! (Oh and God too! Praise the Lord, Hallelujah.)"
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