Where to begin? Saturday night at the Lakeland Revival, a prophecy was read that Jesus was going to appear on the stage at Lakeland Sunday night. This did not happen and interestingly enough, Monday night Todd Bentley was not at the revival. Tonight, Todd is supposed to be back and we at the Preaching Today blog will be watching. Beginning at 7:00pm Central time, we will start live blogging the Lakeland revival. We will create an initial post and then update it continually throughout the service. What this means for you is that you will need to refresh the screen about every 15 minutes to read the latest entry. We hope this will give everyone a different perspective on what is happening. Please post your comments as you read our observations on tonight's service. We pray God will use this effort to inform and keep people away from error.

Let's see if the claim that Jesus showed in the flesh while the coverage was down.
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